1. General
1.1. Jstock is an image and video stock pla7orm, that enables you under the terms and condi>ons specified herein, to download and use images and videos available on our Website at Jstockk.com (the “Content” and the “Website” accordingly).
1.2. By browsing, downloading, crea>ng an account and/or visi>ng our Website, you hereby give your uncondi>oned consent to these Terms, that will be binding upon you. If you do not agree to these Terms, you are immediately required to cease any further ac>vity on our Website.
1.3. By downloading Content, you hereby represent that you are: (a) over the age of
majority at the jurisdic>on applicable to you, and in any event over the age of 16; (b) you are the authorized owner of a recognizable interna>onal credit card; (c) any use of the Content is for your own personal use; and (d) any use of the Website shall be for legal purposes only.
1.4. This Website is operated by עולם ומלואו הפקות Ltd., (“We” / “Our”), and We reserve the right to amend, update, modify and change all or part of the Terms from >me to >me and at any >me at our sole discre>on. The Terms binding your ac>vity are the ones applicable at the date of your ac>on on our Website. It is your sole responsibility to revisit the Terms each >me you wish to make any ac>on on our Website.
1.5. Our Content stock and our offering on our Website may vary from >me to >me, at our sole discre>on. Some images or videos that are available today, may change and no longer be available in the future.
2. Opening an Account
2.1. In order to download or use any Content on our Website, you will be required to open
an account (the “Account”). By crea>ng an Account, you will be required to provide certain informa>on, such as: email, username, and password. It is highly recommended that you choose a strong password that includes at least 12 characters combined of uppercase leXers, lowercase leXers, numbers and symbols. You are solely responsible for safeguarding your password and choosing a strong password.
2.2. Your Account must be for your personal use only. Sharing an account is strictly prohibited.
2.3. Once you created an account, any ac>vity that will be performed under your account will be at your sole responsibility.
Intellectual Property
3.1. All images, videos, trademarks, tradenames, tradedresses, domains, content, texts,
Website “look & feel” and all other content Our Webs>e (“Intellectual Property”), are fully owned by Us.
3.2. We retain any and all rights to Our Intellectual Property
3.3. Any use that is not specified in these Terms or any use that is not consistent with the terms of these Terms is strictly prohibited and will cons>tute an inten>onal infringement and breach of these Terms.
3.4. We reserve any right in connec>on with Our Intellectual Property.
3.5. It is strictly prohibited to copy, download, screenshot or record any Content on our Website, with the excep>on of downloading Content subject to a specific purchase.
License Grant
4.1. Without deroga>ng from any of the above, when you successfully purchase an image or video on our Website, you are hereby provided with the following license: We hereby grant you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, limited, non- transferrable, non-sublicensable license to download, perform and use the Content you purchased (the “License”).
4.2. The License shall be for your own personal or commercial use, not as a “stand-alone” product. You may not mul>ply the Content and use it as part of your own offering, as part of an image or video stock, as part of a trademark, logo, and/or as part of any ac>vity that is compe>>ve to the Website’s ac>vity.
4.3. Each purchase will award you with the License to the specific Content associated with such purchase. No purchase shall award you with a general right to all Content (or any other content exceeding the scope of your purchase).
4.4. It is prohibited to alter, change, modify, and/or convert any of the Content. All Content purchased can only be used “as-is”. For avoidance of doubt, it is strictly prohibited to extract an image frame from a video and use it independently.
4.5. In any event, you may not use the Content in a pornographic, defamatory, or tarnishing context or any other unlawful manner; to promote drugs, violence, hate speech, racism, or in viola>on of any applicable laws and regula>ons.
4.6. You may not present the Content as yours.
4.7. Unless specifically authorized by Us, scraping is strictly prohibited on our Website, and you may not use the Content and any meta data associated with it, in whole or any part thereof for machine learning and/or AI purposes, and for any technological tool now exis>ng or to be developed in the future.
4.8. You may use the Content you purchased to provide work for a client, who shall be bound by the same terms and restric>ons as specified under these Terms, and you shall be fully responsible for such clients’ compliant with these Terms. One purchases can be associated with one project for one client. You may not keep the Content purchased from the Website as part of your stock and offer it to various clients. Each project and each client shall require separate purchases.
4.9. For any inquiries regarding the License and prohibited uses, please contact us at: JewishStockFootage@Gmail.com.
4.10.All rights not expressly granted in these Terms are reserved to Us.
5.1. We reserve the right to terminate the License and any other right granted to you under
these Terms in any case of your breach of these Terms. In case of such termina>on, you are required to immediately cease any use of the Content and destroy and/or delete any copies thereof.
5.2. In any event, no refund is applicable.
6.1. In order to make a purchase on our Website you will be required to open an Account, and provide Us with addi>onal personal informa>on (including name, email address, phone number, billing address and others) – “Personal InformaDon”. Your Personal Informa>on will be subject to our Privacy Policy available here here.
6.2. It is your absolute and sole responsibility to make sure all informa>on provided to Us is true and accurate. In no event shall We be responsible for any errors or omission of your informa>on.
6.3. Some of the informa>on you will provide Us in order to make a purchase will be shared with third par>es in order to enable the transac>on (such as payment processing company and our Website’s pla7orm).
6.4. All payments are to be made in ILS.
6.5. We may change the price of the Content at any >me, at our sole discre>on. The price applicable to your purchase shall be the one presented on our Website at the date and >me of your purchase.
ReporDng Copyright or other rights ViolaDon
7.1. We respect the intellectual property and publicity rights of others. If you believe one of
your rights has been infringed by the Content available on our Website, please contact Us for no>ce of claims at this address: JewishStockFootage@Gmail.com. Please note all such no>ces will only be regarded if you provide substan>al evidence of such rights and your ownership regarding them.
7.2. If you report an infringement, you would also be required to provide accurate contact informa>on in which we can reach you to obtain further informa>on and inves>gate your complaint.
IndemnificaDon and LimitaDon on Liability
8.1. You hereby agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Us (and any and all of our subsidiaries, employees, directors) harmless from any and all damages, liabili>es and expenses arising in connec>on with any use by You the exceeds the scope of these Terms or any breach of these Terms by you.
9.1. These Terms shall be governed by the laws of the state of Israel and the applicable courts in Jerusalem shall have sole jurisdic>on over any dispute arising of or in connec>on to these Terms.
9.2. no ac>on or lack of ac>on may be construed as a waiver of any of the rights specified in this agreement.
9.3. These Terms may not be altered, changed or modified by you without Our express wriXen consent.
9.4. Before making any purchase on our Website or providing us with any details, you must make sure to read our Privacy Policy available here.